About Us

History of NUSS

The National Union of Sierra Leone Students referred to as NUSS, was formed by student leaders in all institutions to serve as a parent body that will always advocate, lobby, and represent the interests of Sierra Leonean students at the national and international levels. This body has existed for more than three decades and has thus, engaged in a lot of activities to promote the welfare of students. It has its objectives and a legal constitution that dictates the pace and operations of the Union.

 The Union works with the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education to maximize the welfare of students in Sierra Leone. The main objective of the Union is to serve as a pressure group on the national government to foster good governance and democracy. The Union has over the years and to date engaged in a lot of activities that promote the interest of Sierra Leoneans and also, address the concerns of students at national and international levels.


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The mission of the union is to advocate, lobby, and represent the interests of students and to maximize the welfare of Sierra Leonean students.


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The vision of the union is to ensure that the needs of students are properly taken care of, continue to serve as a pressure group to the national government to foster good governance and democracy, and, ensure that students are adequately represented at all levels.


National Union of Sierra Leonean Students - NUSS

NUSS, the National Union of Sierra Leonean Students, plays a crucial role in advocating for the rights and interests of students. As an organization, NUSS focuses on three main areas: advocacy, lobbying, and representation.